22 marzo 2013

misericordia y mérito

“If the strict Calvinists had known the Paradiso of Dante as well as they knew their Old Testament, their theology might have found more adherence among the merciful, for the Paradiso is a triumphant song of mercy, of love, and of the final triumph of every soul that has sincerely hoped in, or sought, the truth, even if the truth were not crowned in its fullness in this world.”

“And Dante, put by Raphael without protest from the Church Militant, among the Doctors of the Faith, glorifies Trajan among the Saved and opens Heaven to Cato. This shows, by the way, the falsity of the Voltairean mauvais mot, that all the people worth meeting are in Hell!”

(Maurice Francis Egan, Confessions of a Book-Lover, 1922)

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Blogger Máximo Silencio said...

Julio, te escribo desde pamplona. Un amigo me han pasado tus poemas y me han encantado. Me parecen geniales y me están ayudando mucho a contemplar la vida, las ilusiones, los proyectos que tengo. La lucha contra la modernidad me apasiona pero no estoy fuera de ella. ¿Como atacarla? Simplemente decirte que muchas gracias por tus poemas, por tu visión del mundo. Me has ayudado mucho.
Un abrazo,
Antonio Rivero

25 septiembre, 2013  
Blogger julio martínez mesanza said...

Gracias, Antonio.
Un abrazo.

26 septiembre, 2013  

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